4 MyID Windows client error codes

This section contains the list of errors that may occur when using the MyID Windows clients – Desktop, Self-Service App, and Self-Service Kiosk.

Error Code



Incorrect PIN


The incorrect PIN has been entered for the card.


Retry with the correct PIN.


Error Code



An error occurred logging into the card


The entered PIN is either longer or shorter than is accepted by the card. This error may also occur if you quit the workflow before the workflow has completed.

This error may occur if you have attempted to issue an archive ECC certificate to a smart card that does not support that feature. See the Smart Card Integration Guide for details of which features your smart cards support.


Retry with a different PIN, or:

Allow the workflow to complete.


Error Code



An unexpected error has occurred.


This error may occur if the user is required to be logged in to the card, but the user is not logged in. This can occur if you quit the workflow before the workflow has completed.

The error may also occur when using OPACITY SPE cards to indicate that the new user PIN was rejected.

This error may also occur when attempting to collect an SPE card using a credential profile that has not been set up for OPACITY.


Retry with a different PIN, or:

Allow the workflow to complete.


Error Code



The operation is not supported by this type of smart card


This error occurs when MyID has been unable to issue a certificate.


This error may occur when attempting to write a certificate to a card that does not support the key length or type specified in the request. Check your credential profile and certificate templates to ensure that you are not attempting to issue, for example, 2048-bit keys to a card that supports on 1024-bit keys, or ECC keys to a card that supports only RSA keys.


Error Code



Attempt to enter an invalid passphrase or PIN.


This error can occur for some cards when attempting to change a PIN and the new PIN is the same as the previous PIN.


Retry with a different PIN.


Error Code



A device attached to the system is not functioning.


This error can occur for a card if a reader or printer has been removed from the system or has been powered off.


Do not disconnect the card reader in the middle of card issuance.


Error Code



The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.


This error can occur if a call to a device has taken an excessively long time, causing the session to the card to time out.


Check the card reader drivers and retry the operation. If the error continues, try a different card reader.


Error Code



One or more of the supplied parameters could not be properly interpreted.


The most likely reason for this error is:

  • Some Smart Cards contain the PIN policy on the card, and if the PIN being supplied does not match this policy this error can occur.


There may be a variety of causes for this error. For example:

  • Change the credential profile to match the PIN policy of the cards; MyID will then inform the user that it does not meet the PIN policy.
  • Use a PIN that matches the PIN policy of the card.


Error Code



Smart card does not support the requested feature


A feature was requested that is not supported by the smart card or the CSP.


This error may occur for a variety of reasons; for example:

  • The certificate template is not supported by the card.
  • The credential profile is misconfigured for the card.

Check the MyID audit trail for more information.


Error Code



There is no more storage space on the card to continue with this activity


The following are the most likely reasons for this error:

  • Failure to locate a container during issuance due to failure to access the card, or:
  • Inability to create a container due to no storage space being available.


There may be a variety of causes for this error. For example:

  • For physical cards, check that the card is still inserted into the reader.
  • Check that the credential profile is not attempting to write too many certificates to the card.
  • Check that too many certificates are not being attempted to be retrieved onto the card.


Error Code



Unexpected Error


There has been a failure in attempting to change the SOPIN on the card. This may be because the maximum number of PIN attempts have been exceeded.


Contact your administrator.


Error Code



Device has an unknown Security Officer PIN


There has been a failure in attempting to change the SOPIN on the card. This may be because the maximum number of PIN attempts have been exceeded.


Contact your administrator.


Error Code



Device has an unknown Security Officer PIN


There has been a failure in attempting to change the SOPIN on the card. This may be because the maximum number of PIN attempts have been exceeded.


Contact your administrator.


Error Code



An unknown error occurred while attempting to log in to the card.


An attempt has been made to log in to the card which has failed. This can occur for physical or virtual cards.


For physical cards, check that the card is correctly inserted into the reader. For virtual cards, check that the client can access the TPM. Check that the client has not gone into sleep mode.


Error Code



Failed to communicate with MyID server. The application will now exit.


The client application has been unable to communicate with the MyID server.

This may be caused by failure to validate a signing certificate when accepting terms and conditions text in workflows, where the credential profile requires acceptance to be explicit, silent, or countersigned. This can occur when the CRL of the certificate authority that issued the signing certificate is not accessible.

This problem may also be reported as error 9001005; see the entry for this error for further troubleshooting.

The audit and system event messages may also indicate failure to validate certificates.

If logging has been enabled, the information captured may include the text "The terms and conditions certificate could not be validated".


Check that your network connection is working between the client and the server.

If you have configured logging for the client, the client log may contain more information on the problem; the log message will start with:

WorkflowRunner::Run - WebException thrown:

For information on setting up client logging, see the Windows clients section in the Configuring Logging guide.


Error Code



User communication is disabled. Unable to request missing card to be inserted into system. Please contact your system administrator.


The smart card or VSC required cannot be found.

This may occur in Self-Service App automation mode when a VSC for which the app is trying to process a lock PIN job has been removed from the PC.


Make sure the required smart card or VSC is present.


Error Code



An unknown error has occurred, contact customer support.


An error has occurred at a low level that has not communicated any further details to the MyID software.


This error may be caused by a variety of low-level issues. For example, this error has been seen when a Kerberos token bloat issue has occurred, where the Kerberos ticket is too big for IIS to handle.


Error Code



Operation does not exist or you do not have access to operation


The application has been launched specifying a workflow that either does not exist or to which the user does not have access.


Check that the operation ID is a valid number.

Check that the user has access to the appropriate workflow.


Error Code



There has been an error accessing the Biometric device. Please contact your administrator.


An unknown error has occurred with the biometric device.


Possible solutions:

  • Check the device is supported by your installation and all required software has been installed correctly as described in the MyID integration guide for the device, including required device drivers from the device vendor.

  • Disconnect or disable other biometric or image capture devices that may be conflicting with the fingerprint reader to determine if that resolves the issue.

  • Occasionally issues have been seen when multiple devices are connected to the computer resulting in variable power levels to the reader – check if connecting the device to a different USB port on the computer or disconnecting other devices resolves the issue, or consider using a powered USB hub.


Error Code



No biometric device detected


There has been a failure to detect a supported biometric verification device that is required for biometric verification. This can occur if:

  • The required driver or SDK is not installed for the biometric device.
  • The biometric device is not connected to the client machine.
  • Insufficient power is being provided to power the biometric device.


Ensure that the driver or SDK for the biometric device is installed. See the integration guide for the biometric device.

Ensure that the biometric device is connected to the client machine and that sufficient power is being provided to the device.


Error Code



An error occurred attempting to retrieve data from the MyID Server


The client application has been unable to communicate with the MyID server.


Check that your network connection is working between the client and the server.

Check the Audit Reporting workflow to see if there is any additional information that may indicate a problem on the server.

If you have configured logging for the client, the client log may contain more information on the problem.

For information on setting up client logging, see the Windows clients section in the Configuring Logging guide.

See also the entry for error -99900041 which may occur in similar circumstances.


Error Code



Certificate Issuance


This error occurs when MyID has been unable to issue a certificate.


This error may occur for a wide variety of reasons. For example:

  • The certificate template is misconfigured.
  • The certificate service is not running.

Check the MyID audit trail for more information about what has caused the certificates to fail to issue.

If you are attempting to issue a Windows Hello credential, this may be caused by selecting a certificate that is not suitable for Windows Hello. See the Certificate policies section in the Windows Hello for Business guide.


Error Code



Unable to access MyID


This error occurs when an unexpected problem occurs when attempting to log on to MyID with security questions. May be caused by network problems.


Check that your network is working correctly and that your MyID servers are running. If problems persist, contact Intercede.


Error Code



Failed to verify signature for running application.


This error occurs when a MyID client has been unable to successfully validate component signatures.


Allow the client access to the internet when it launches – this will give Windows access to the latest CRLs and CAs to perform signature verification.

If you cannot give the client access to the internet, add the following configuration to the client configuration file:

<add key="ComponentVerificationSkipRevocationChecks" value="TRUE"></add>

to disable revocation checks, which should negate the need for an internet connection. See the installation guide for your client for details. Note that this reduces the integrity of the signature verification, as the client will be unable to determine if any of the certificates in the chain have been revoked since signing occurred – as such, you should ensure that the client's configuration file is modifiable only by users with administrative privileges.

If you continue to see this error even with revocation checks disabled, it is likely that you do not have the relevant root certificates installed on your machine. In this instance, you should ensure that the DigiCert root certificates are correctly installed in the Trusted Roots store on your machine; see the Installing the MyID Installation Assistant section in the Installation and Configuration Guide.


Error Code



Failed to delete the credential.


This error may occur when attempting to delete a VSC if the TPM has not recovered from being woken from a sleep state.


Check the state of the TPM by running tpm.msc (with elevated privilege) to verify that the TPM is available. Restart the device if the TPM is not in available.


Error Code



Microsoft WebView2 Runtime <VERSION> or higher is not installed. Please contact your administrator.


The Microsoft WebView2 Runtime is required to render certain HTML elements, such as terms and conditions documents, but the required version is not installed.


Install the latest version of the Microsoft WebView2 Runtime.

See the Microsoft WebView2 Runtime section in the Installation and Configuration Guide.


Error Code



Operator does not have the correct roles to collect this job


The credential profile is configured to only allow a limited set of roles to collect the profile. The operator does not have one of these assigned roles.


Change the operator's roles to an allowed role or reconfigure the credential profile to allow the operator's role.


Error Code



The job is assigned to a card


This error is displayed in Batch Collect Card when attempting to collect a job that is assigned to a specific card.


This job should be collected using Collect Card using the card to which it has been assigned.


Error Code



Intel Authenticate configuration check failed.


The client is not correctly configured for Intel Authenticate.

MyID support for Intel Authenticate Virtual Smart Cards has now been deprecated. If you are currently using this solution or have further questions about it, contact Intercede for further details quoting SUP-349.


Check that the client is correctly configured.


Error Code



Cannot perform this operation over a remote desktop connection.


VSC operations cannot be performed over a remote desktop connection.


Run the MyID client on a local machine.


Error Code



Cannot perform this operation over a remote desktop connection.


Non-removable device operations (VSC and Device Identities) cannot be performed over a remote desktop connection.


Run the MyID client on a local machine.


Error Code



Cannot perform an Intel Authenticate operation over a remote desktop connection.


Intel Authenticate operations cannot be performed over a remote desktop connection.

MyID support for Intel Authenticate Virtual Smart Cards has now been deprecated. If you are currently using this solution or have further questions about it, contact Intercede for further details quoting SUP-349.


Run the MyID client on a local machine.


Error Code



Cannot perform a TPM operation over a remote desktop connection.


TPM operations cannot be performed over a remote desktop connection.


Run the MyID client on a local machine.


Error Code



The requested property value is empty.


This error occurs when MyID has been unable to issue a certificate.


This error may occur when attempting to write a certificate to a card that does not support the key length or type specified in the request. Check your credential profile and certificate templates to ensure that you are not attempting to issue, for example, 2048-bit keys to a card that supports on 1024-bit keys, or ECC keys to a card that supports only RSA keys.